Why Read Me

We are so busy in the hustle bustle of life that we fail to find the little bursts of joy. I am not a proclaimer, a wise man nor one whom the world can depend, nor do I hope or seek to be one. Ok I probably hope to be termed as a wise man eventually. However, I do believe that we always have some role or the other to play during our short visit on planet Earth.

Life, after all, is a never ending game, its like God playing chess. He always has a move ready, and so unpredictable is our life, that the fate is always unknown, the next move is always a surprise. So all we got to do is keep on running ahead, and wait.

Wait for the drama to end, wait for the revolution to come. Wait for the miseries to fade away, and wait for the light of the sun!

From the mind of a simpleton and the heart of a revolutionist : Welcome to Kaustubh's blog ...

Open to comments, opinions and definitely criticism!

From the Paper to the Pad

Technology is greatly advancing, failing to be curtailed, hindered or stopped in any manner possible. We moved from an age where the paper seemed to be the legit way of non-verbal communication which quickly shifted to the digital world. The era of brooms got broomed off by vacuum cleaners. Additionally, this advancement has come with a certainly noticeable deal of lackadaisical attitude amongst the people.

We live in a time of automation. Everything we seek should be already available so that there is nothing to seek! Research, earlier, was considered to be in more demand than other fields but the times are changing because research, some believe, is near saturation. We have high-tech watches that do the task of mobile phones, we have mobile phones that do the task of computers, and we have computers that do a lot of stuff that humans find difficult in. Moral of the story? Nothing. It is just weird the way we are moving on.

Now think of the olden times .. How stupid would Alexander the Great consider himself, riding horseback for weeks to move from one country to another, when he can do the same now on a plane, while he sleeps. Then how can we forget the times when we had to wait for our turn to make a call through the network providers, now that all we need to do is message. The times when we had to scramble here and there in order to find out about people, but hey there, Facebook to the rescue! The element of hard work has been restricted to education because once a person enters his professional life, it all comes down to whether he knows anything about technology, or has been a goose all these years.

We are entering the domain of robots and artificial intelligence and are on the verge of recreating God's creation. Is that an achievement? You bet it is. Is it wise? Only time will tell. Nuclear energy was developed in order to serve a new hope to the world, and it is considered one of the greatest achievements in the world. But the way it has been used, oops, misused, is left for the reader to interpret. Was it an achievement? You bet it is. Was it wise?